I know that I say this every month…but I can’t believe that 7 months have gone by since you joined us in this world! It is been quite the whirl-wind and the greatest (and worst) 7 months of my life! Hadley, you bring a smile to my face every day! A day does not go by where you haven’t made me laugh! And that is the greatest joy of all! But let me tell you, the past month has been the toughest month since you were born. You have decided that you no longer want to sleep and that is where “the worst” comes into play. We have tried pretty much everything to try to get you to sleep through the night with no success! We fed you, we didn’t feed you, we held you, we didn’t hold you-but patted you on the back, we shoved the pacifier in your mouth, I wrapped my nursing tank-top around a rice pack so my smell would be with you, put stuffed animals with you in the crib…ALL with NO SUCCESS! And boy, let me tell you, your mommy NEEDS her sleep! OH…and not to mention that we even tried to have you cry it out a few nights…4 hours of crying isn’t healthy…you are one stubborn girl (I wonder where you get that from?)! So, we have now implemented a “schedule” for you in hopes that this will help. You now have set nap times at daycare (though this was the first day for it!)
You continue to grow and develop right on track. You still are not crawling, and I am good with that! Our house is not ready for you to crawl. You are still pushing yourself backwards and get up on all four’s and rock back and forth. You are a little piggy when it comes to solid foods. You are content with what you are eating, but you look at what dad and I are eating and get a little upset that you aren’t eating that as well! I really need to go and buy a grinder so you can start eating what we are eating.
You continue to be a huge HAM for the camera…and it is so dang cute! You love to watch Maggie run and laugh and squeal at her. We have been pretty busy with some local travel and getting odds and ends done, and you have been such a good baby with all the chaos.
7 months (one day early)
I love to eat on mommy’s apple
Big blue eyes