Friday, June 29, 2012

Play date and random pictures

Today we had an awesome play date with Lauren, Holten and Ellen! (Side-note) The best part about this next month…is that we are going to be neighbors with them!!!!  We are just a little excited about it! 




The red-stained mouth after all the watermelon!

Fun in the sun!

Hike up Ousel Falls in Big Sky (June 16)



Hiking the “M” the steep way up with daddy! (June 23)



Made it to the top!




Down with mommy!





You LOVE to hike!  You get really excited and kick your legs and scream and squeal anytime we go for a hike. You also enjoy watching other people on the hike coming towards us!  Most tend to comment on what a “happy baby” you are! And you really are!  I love you baby girl!  XOXOXOXO  Momma

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Ways to keep a crabby baby happy at dinner!

So, your naps today were a little on the short side. So when we got home and ready to eat dinner, you were a bit crabby…and this was the only way to keep you happy!  Oh…and you have a tooth!  But of course, you will not let anyone in your mouth to feel it!

Already full of SASS!!!

Good thing we are moving, that way we won’t have to baby proof twice! 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father’s Day, Daddy!

Happy Father’s Day, Daddy! You are the best daddy in the whole wide world!!!  My present to you was “sleeping in” until 8:30.oh…and then NOT taking an afternoon nap!  I love you!



What?!?!  I am suppose to be sleeping…??




Enjoying our picnic in the park and a walk up Pete’s Hill



1st time in a swing




Wednesday, June 13, 2012

8 months 1 day

So a major milestone has developed in the one day that I wrote you 8 month blog!  You are crawling now!  You have a very distinct crawl, as you really don’t know what to do with your right leg!  It is pretty funny and cute!  We Skyped with daddy so he could watch, since he is up in Canada! 

Oh….and I forgot to mention in the last one that you love to clap!  You clap at everything…now instead of waving, you will clap!  You are a RIOT! 

And it took me about 8 shots to get a 8 month old picture with your bear…because all you wanted to do was clap!  So here are some more pictures!  I love you baby girl!




Ok…you get the idea! Winking smile


My beautiful bald baby! 


1st day at crawling!!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

8 Months

Today marks your 8 months in this crazy world!  You have been one busy monkey! You only sit still when you are sleeping…and even then you roll all around and get yourself all turned backwards. Even when you are sitting in your highchair, you cannot sit still…you are constantly moving and you almost catapulted yourself out of the highchair 2 days ago! You are quite the eater!  I am not sure where you put all of it…but your average dinner lately consists of oatmeal, an entire package of baby food puree, some banana and whatever else is near for you to eat (i.e. cheerios, puffs, yogurt drops)!  You have made it clear that you are not very fond of baby food. You want food that you can feed yourself. I would have to say that at this point in time, yogurt and toast are your favorite foods, but you really are not that picky of an eater. I have given you frozen peas and you just gobbled those up…and they come out barely digested!  So we are taking a break from them! You are starting to sleep better at night…now we can only hope that this trend will continue!  We just had our good friends, Jack, Carrie, Jaycee and Carsten, come and visit and you loved every minute with Jaycee and Carsten!  You move around the room, but you are not crawling yet!  You will get yourself up onto all four’s and rock back and forth so hard, I feel like you are going to break your nose one of these days!DSCN0156




Carsten, Jaycee and Hadley

