Tonight wasn’t the first (only the 2nd time) and I am sure it will not be the last…but you took a massive poo in the tub tonight! I really wanted to take a picture, but your dad wouldn’t let me! I just had to make sure we documented this wonderful story! You will for sure be likely to thank me later in life! hahaha
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
More to add to the 10 month blog!
Hadley using her new toy to figure out this thing called walking!
Taking a dip in Canyon Ferry
Thanks Munga for my cute shirt!!
I think this one is just too funny!
10 months young
Today you are 10 months and one day old! And boy have you blossomed over the past month! Where do I even start!?!? You are figuring out standing and will even stand for a length of time before you lower yourself to the ground and get back to playing! You will venture out a bit and even try walking with barely holding on to anything, but you are still a ways out before walking, I think! But you never know! You have developed quite the personality as well! You are a little bit shy, a little bit sassy, a little bit loud and little bit boisterous. You are very seldom mad or sad. We tend to see you mad or sad when you have missed a nap or taken a very short one! You really like to have a utensil when we are having dinner, and you will actually get mad at us if we do not give you one to hold onto…this is usually at the end of dinner, thankfully, so you will actually eat! And speaking of eating…boy can you eat! Daycare stated it well today when they said that for breakfast you ate enough food for 5 other kids! You can definitely put the food down. But I am not sure where it goes, because you are still so little and petite!
Dad took about 8 shots in an attempt to get one good photo of you with your bear….you are such a mover!
Munga and Pappa came up last week to watch you since daycare was closed. Munga had nothing but great things to say about you! Some of the few things she said was how well you played and how you are such an easy going baby! The one thing (or two) she did say too was that you can EAT and POOP! You are a bit difficult to change these days, I feel like it is a wrestling match to get a new diaper on you!
Neat photo I took without even knowing the reflection on your face
You have picked up on a few things and are using them regularly. If we tell you to say “thank you” you will sign it or if we say “blow kisses” you will (these two are interchangeable-same gesture). You will wave good-bye and sign “dog” when you see Maggie or if we happen to mention her name! It is the neatest thing to see you put the world together! We are now working on “I love you!”
We ventured out for our first camping experience (in the 5th wheel)…no back-country yet! We headed up to Canyon Ferry Lake with Munga and Pappa! You loved to camp…you would play in the dirt, throw rocks, play with your toys and you even had a good time on the boat! And most importantly (to mom and dad) YOU SLEPT WELL!!!! We even had a huge lightening storm roll through and you didn’t even flinch!
First boat ride (and you fell asleep)
If you really want something you make this funny nasal/sniffing sound and will give a huge grin at the same time! You also will intentionally ignore people and you do this by quickly turning your head to the left and then to the right (still haven’t caught it on video!)