Tuesday, April 23, 2013

17-18 months old

Ok, Hadley…so your mom sucks!  I have totally slacked over the past 3 months for a few reasons. First of all, we found out 3 months ago that you are going to be a big sister!!!  Your sibling is due to arrive 11.11.13!  So, needless to say, your momma hasn’t been feeling all that hot (reason #1). You have given us another scare of sickness, landing us in the hospital again for pneumonia. Therefore, causing your mother and father sleep deprivation and playing catch-up (reason #2)! After those quickly passed, your Aunt Mellissa, Uncle Chris and cousins came and visited followed by Grandma and Grandpa Anderson visiting (reason #3)! So needless to say, we have been a bit busy or exhausted!  And NOW, you have a sinus infection along with a double ear infection!  Is it EVER going to stop? For your sake, I hope that you get relief here soon! 

You continue to be the cutest, most adorable and sassy little girl I know!  You are definitely giving your momma and dadda a run for their money!  You are MISS INDEPENDENT!!  From taking your jacket off, attempting to put your shoes on, trying to tie your shoes to even attempting to buckle yourself in to the car seat! You love to brush your teeth and get a kick out of using a spoon and fork. The one thing I can’t seem to shake with you is the darn sippy cup!  You will drink water and juice out of anything, but as for your milk, you MUST have your sippy cup! Some day…some day…I will get this away from you!

We have taken you skiing a few more times and you are a thrill seeker! And we are so grateful that you enjoy it!  Hoping that this last for next year as well!  Anything fast and dangerous you love!  Since your cousins were here, you have found that jumping off of the couch onto an air mattress is the GREAT! You also love to help daddy outside!  You are quite helpful. You have helped daddy cut the trees in the yard to helping dad plant trees in the yard!  You also think that it is pretty fun to clean floors, no matter where we are!  And Maggie is your BFF!  If Maggie isn’t around, you make sure to call for her and you get upset if we can’t keep Maggie in the room!  It is so cute!

You are doing well with talking!  We can get you to repeat almost anything!  And I am so proud about the fact that you use “please” and “thank you!” I may have a sassy one, but you definitely know your manners…now lets just pray that this sticks! Winking smile Your words are becoming clearer and you are actually using words to let us know what you want…well…when you know the word. And if you don’t know the word, you will show us what you want! Some new words you know….hummm….mouse, eyes, nose, bubbles, juice, “ease” for please, “tank you” for thank you, hat, blocks, down, up, sit…man, there are so many more and I can’t think of them.

And boy, can you throw fits!  We have decided to ignore your fits. We will lay you in a safe spot and walk away. You usually calm in about 2 minutes as you realize that no one is there to give you any attention.

I will hopefully post videos and pictures soon!  I love you Boo-Rads! You are my sweet little monkey! 

Love you forever,
