Today you turned 8 weeks old, but your not quite 2 months yet…gotta love the way math works! You are changing everyday and it is crazy watching you grow so fast! I am trying to enjoy as much snuggle time with you as I can, but things have been a little busy around these parts! Dad is now on paternity leave and so we trying to take advantage of the time. We have been on many hikes and you definitely like the movement- well at least it puts you to sleep! But you do like to move…if we are sitting with you and you get fussy, we stand up and you are fine! This does not happen too often though, because you are a very happy and content baby. You seem to love the Christmas lights throughout the house. You will turn that head to the left and then spin it to the right, back to the left so fast to take in all of the lights. You no longer “whoooooo” after you sneeze, so I was never able to get it on video…I am so sadden by that.
8 weeks old
Hanging with dad
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