Turning 14 months during the month of December makes for a late post because of the busy season it is! The time continues to fly by month-to-month…it is getting to be a little difficult to keep up with the blog! You weigh about 21-22 lbs now and you are a spit-fire (I have NO IDEA where that comes from )! You are learning how to “run” and you giggle while you are trying to run! You are a little dare-devil…and have a need for speed. You are not happy unless you are going fast (driving fast, sledding fast, x-country skiing fast-well riding in the chariot, snowmobiling, ANYTHING!) You continue to LOVE being outside and have a ton of fun whether we are playing in the snow or in the Arizona sun. You have been really interested in coloring and painting lately, an you have a BEAUTIFUL grasp on your writing utensils! You continue to have the “I do it” attitude with EVERYTHING! You are working hard on using utensils and are getting pretty good with using them-your OT momma is so proud of your skills! It is fun to engage in pretend play with you-you are always so happy and easy-going! Not sure if this is in the last post, but, you LOVE to make sure that Maggie is fed at ALL times! IF her dog bowl is empty to carry it to the garage for a refill…no matter the time of day! You are talking more and gaining in your vocabulary! Your favorite word is “uh-oh” and you have been saying this one for about 3 months now. You say “ahm” for mom, “dada” for dad, “aggg-eee” for Maggie, “ease” for please, and you are pretty clear with saying “that” and you constantly sign milk, more, all done, please, and a made-up sign for ice. I can’t really think of any other words right now! You love to point and grunt at things and you really enjoy when we heat your milk up with the microwave and we count down.
We are down in Arizona for Christmas! You traveled pretty well, there was only about 10 minutes of a squealing scream before you finally passed out way past your bedtime! We are excited to be celebrating Christmas with the Anderson family in the sun!