I can hardly believe that one year ago, I was procrastinating heading to the hospital to welcome you into this crazy world! And now, I can’t even believe that we lived without you for so long!
Hadley, you are 1 year old! Happy Birthday to my precious angel! And let’s just say that we have had more of a 2 week celebration for your birthday than just celebrating for one day…but don’t think that that is the norm!
Grandpa and grandma Anderson drove over from the farm for the big birthday celebration! Pappa and Munga Reinhardt are on a month long travel adventure, so they were not able to make it! We had a nice quiet night on your birthday and then on Saturday, 13th, we had a bunch of family and friends over for your big day celebration! You were surrounded by a TON of people that love you! We have some awesome people in our lives! Grandpa and Grandma Anderson got you a John Deere Tractor and you play with this toy ALL of the time! You enjoy lugging the little animals around with you and you love to open and close the seat…BUT most of all…you LOVE to climb on it!
The weekend after your birthday, we headed up to Fairmont Hot Springs to spend a nice weekend away from home! You loved it! I think you actually got a little sick of being in the water…You even went down the waterslide! I am not sure if you really enjoyed it or not…but you made it down the slide 3 times! You also had your very first hot chocolate at Fairmont…you really didn’t care all that much for it! On our way to Fairmont we stopped in Butte and went to Headframe Distillery. We are THOSE parents that had a baby in a Distillery, well actually this is your 2nd time in a Distillery. Gotta love Roughstock first and foremost.
You continue to bring us daily laughter, humor and testing of our patience! You are growing and developing right on track! You follow the 25% curve just perfectly for your weight and height, but let me tell you…that noggen is right up there in the 92% at your 12 month check up! We like to tell everyone, it is big because she is sooo smart! You are now walking pretty much full force (this only started on Friday 19th)…but you have really been testing the water walking here and there at home! You will still crawl because it is faster for you, but you can just see the joy in your eye when you walk around. You also think that you are strong enough to carry items while you are walking, sometimes it works for you, other times it does not! You are also imitating play, most specifically with anything that resembles a phone! You have a few “words” that you say pretty consistently, and they are: “uh-oh, hi, dad (dadda also, but mostly dad), and every so often when you want me to feel special you will say mamma.” You mostly love to raise your arms up and scream at us when you want something. But you are really good with signing “please” and we ALWAYS make you do this….manners are a good thing! You are also beginning to imitate some animal sounds. You will try to “moo” and “quack” if we do it first. You also love to dance. If you are standing you will bounce up and down and if you are sitting you will swing your arms from side to side. I thought daycare had shown you how to dance, but they have not…you just have good rhythm! You continue to climb on EVERYTHING! I am surprised that we actually haven’t broken a bone yet…knock on wood!
Heading to the hospital
Little peanut at 7 lbs
12 months later and 20 lbs
Family-I love all of my extended family! Thanks for celebrating my day with me!
Me and my girls
I am on the phone mom…talking to my friends!
Headframe Spirits Distillery
Talking on the phone again!
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