Tuesday, April 23, 2013

17-18 months old

Ok, Hadley…so your mom sucks!  I have totally slacked over the past 3 months for a few reasons. First of all, we found out 3 months ago that you are going to be a big sister!!!  Your sibling is due to arrive 11.11.13!  So, needless to say, your momma hasn’t been feeling all that hot (reason #1). You have given us another scare of sickness, landing us in the hospital again for pneumonia. Therefore, causing your mother and father sleep deprivation and playing catch-up (reason #2)! After those quickly passed, your Aunt Mellissa, Uncle Chris and cousins came and visited followed by Grandma and Grandpa Anderson visiting (reason #3)! So needless to say, we have been a bit busy or exhausted!  And NOW, you have a sinus infection along with a double ear infection!  Is it EVER going to stop? For your sake, I hope that you get relief here soon! 

You continue to be the cutest, most adorable and sassy little girl I know!  You are definitely giving your momma and dadda a run for their money!  You are MISS INDEPENDENT!!  From taking your jacket off, attempting to put your shoes on, trying to tie your shoes to even attempting to buckle yourself in to the car seat! You love to brush your teeth and get a kick out of using a spoon and fork. The one thing I can’t seem to shake with you is the darn sippy cup!  You will drink water and juice out of anything, but as for your milk, you MUST have your sippy cup! Some day…some day…I will get this away from you!

We have taken you skiing a few more times and you are a thrill seeker! And we are so grateful that you enjoy it!  Hoping that this last for next year as well!  Anything fast and dangerous you love!  Since your cousins were here, you have found that jumping off of the couch onto an air mattress is the GREAT! You also love to help daddy outside!  You are quite helpful. You have helped daddy cut the trees in the yard to helping dad plant trees in the yard!  You also think that it is pretty fun to clean floors, no matter where we are!  And Maggie is your BFF!  If Maggie isn’t around, you make sure to call for her and you get upset if we can’t keep Maggie in the room!  It is so cute!

You are doing well with talking!  We can get you to repeat almost anything!  And I am so proud about the fact that you use “please” and “thank you!” I may have a sassy one, but you definitely know your manners…now lets just pray that this sticks! Winking smile Your words are becoming clearer and you are actually using words to let us know what you want…well…when you know the word. And if you don’t know the word, you will show us what you want! Some new words you know….hummm….mouse, eyes, nose, bubbles, juice, “ease” for please, “tank you” for thank you, hat, blocks, down, up, sit…man, there are so many more and I can’t think of them.

And boy, can you throw fits!  We have decided to ignore your fits. We will lay you in a safe spot and walk away. You usually calm in about 2 minutes as you realize that no one is there to give you any attention.

I will hopefully post videos and pictures soon!  I love you Boo-Rads! You are my sweet little monkey! 

Love you forever,


Monday, March 4, 2013

Happy Birthday Baaba!

Happy Birthday Baaba!  We were able to celebrate Auntie Brooke’s Birthday with her this weekend. We skied and ate cake!  Love you Auntie Ba!



Saturday, February 16, 2013

16 months…going on 16

16 months!  I cannot believe it! The older you get, the faster time goes by. I am only running 4 days late on this…but none the less!  The past month has been a bit of a blur with all of your illnesses. You have been one sick little kiddo since 2013 began. It started with the ear infections, 15 month shots (they didn’t make you sick-but I still feel sad you have to get them!), RSV with hospitalization, more infections and to top it all off you most likely had pneumonia along with a really nasty throat virus. BUT…you are healthy now and we are taking full advantage of it! 

We took you down-hill skiing today, and you LOVED it!  You were such an awesome kiddo today. We got up to Bridger around 9:45ish, probably skiing by 10:15 and you skied until 11:45 NON-STOP…you kept signing “more” along with saying it! We went in and had lunch and we were back on the slopes- OK…Snowflake-the bunny hill- around 1 and skied for another hour!  We stopped, thinking that you were tired and would need a nap, so we headed home. You only napped on the ride back home- and were back to bouncing off the walls till 8pm and then you CRASHED! Let me tell you, your dad and I had NO IDEA that skiing on Snowflake would be so much fun!  We had such a great day with you!

Your vocabulary continues to grow. Some words you have added this month off of the top of my head include: poo (for Pooh Bear), milk (and you are even getting the k sound), up, elp (for help),, hot, ubble (for bubbles), I do, and there are many more, but I just can’t think of them right now.

You are kissing now, which is so much fun. You give everything kisses, but you really enjoy giving kisses to Maggie (and Maggie is even tolerating you giving them to her)! It is nice to get a kiss from you with puckered lips versus open mouth with drool! Winking smile 

Hadley you bring SOOO much laughter to our lives, I have no idea what we would do without you!  Only you can make me laugh in the middle of the night and also make me so frustrated at the same time. I am not sure I want to share this story…but here goes anyways…you felt that it was time to be awake from 3-5 am the other morning. I am up in your room holding you and you are poking at my eyes and nose, persistently asking for milk (which I keep telling you NO), and you are wide awake. I tell you “Hadley, it is night time, you need to go nigh-night.” You close your eyes and have them closed for about 10 minutes. I release a toot, and you immediately laugh at me. Not a minute goes by and then you toot, and laugh even harder at yours. Needless to say, I couldn’t keep it together!  I was dying! I guess you are my daughter!

16 months (oh…and you are in love with Elmo currently)



You wanted to walk in your ski boots


First chair ride




1st skiing adventure!
Skiing with her good friend, Ellen!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

RSV strikes again

Well, we had the unfortunate visit by RSV again. This time is wiped you out!

On Friday, Jan 22nd, you had your 15 month check-up!  Everything went well! You are 95% for head, 50% weight, and 9% for height!  Sorry, honey, hopefully you will grow to be taller than your mommy!  You got your shots and were such a trooper!  Of course you cried, but who wouldn’t! Friday carried on to be a good day and so did most of Saturday!

THEN, Saturday late afternoon/early evening…your breathing started to get pretty tough (labored breathing and big time retractions while breathing)! We suffered through Saturday night and by Sunday, we had had enough!  After about 2 hours at Urgent Care, a quick stop through McDonalds (as mom and dad hadn’t eaten much) we were in the ER. Luckily we were taken straight back into a room (instead of last time waiting in the waiting area for 2 hours). ER last from about 3:30-9:30pm, then we were finally taken to ICU.

You started off on 2 liters of O2…which for a 15 month old, is a hell of a lot of O2. Not only did we have the oxygen cord, but you had on a heart monitor and a respiration/O2 reader as well. Nothing like trying to keep all that organized while you slept-so it wouldn’t wrap around your neck! We were in the ICU for 2 nights. We tried walking around the ICU Monday night, and you did great, but it completely kicked your butt. When we got back to the room, you passed out immediately!  By Tuesday (early am) you had pulled our O2 cord out of the wall (no one knew- till dad arrived!) and therefore, since your stats had been good, we were given the OK to go home!  YIPEE!!!!  You were like a kid in a candy store when we got home-you ran-sacked the basement and played with every toy you have!  Munga and Pappa came up on Tuesday and watched you Wednesday and Thursday so we didn’t have to take you to daycare or so I didn’t have to stay home from work. Your pretty much slept most of Wednesday and Thursday. By Friday you were feeling more like yourself and slept your normal nap!

Not only did you have RSV again, but you also got another ear infection. You didn’t eat for 3 days and lost a full pound! That is about 8% of your total body weight! This round of RSV really had your mommy scared!  Let me just say how grateful I am that you are feeling better and that you are such a strong little turd!  But…on that same note…let’s not have RSV EVER COME BACK! 

You are such a strong little fighter and I love you to pieces!  Don’t EVER scare your mommy like that again-and daddy too!  We love you baby girl!

Friday after your 15 month appt


It is amazing how quickly one can turn and be sooo sick in a day...ugh (still vibrant on Friday)

Sunday in the ER


Monday in ICU-and I am still happy!


Monday in ICU


Walking around in my room


First think I wanted to do when I got home was ride in the Gator-so dad and I went!


Full of laughter! 1 week after being sick!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

15 Months

Today you are 15 months old. Let me tell you, that this has probably been the worst month (14-15) for quite some time. You have pretty much been sick the entire month. You have had two back-to-back ear infections (well…I should say the first infection never healed!), a nasty mucous-filled cough and we just got over the flu-or something similar that made you throw up! Needless to say, we have had a few rough nights of sleep with you…or maybe I should say, a few GOOD nights of sleep with you! But, none the less, you are on the mend and I am going to be asking about tubes at your well-child visit.

You continue to be a happy child! You still love being outside!  Even when it is 5 degrees out, you are happy as can be!  And I love it!  We have not started off the new year as perfectly as we would like. We had a “small” mis-hap with you in the chariot and us on our cross-country skis. Mom was in the lead, with dad following behind videoing, when Maggie and the neighbor dog crossed right in front of me. This caused me to fall, dad to go flying up over the chariot with knees hitting the handle bars, causing the chariot to flip landing face down. Needless to say, your momma was scared out of her mind, dad was injured (not serious) and you were facing the ground happy as can be!  Well, you are safe for a while, until we replace the ski attachment for the chariot!  We have also had a few minor bumps with sledding, though nothing that has caused my heart to stop like the chariot incident.

You are trying soooo hard to talk. You will use the small number of signs that you know to help us understand what you want…but we are a long way from perfect! You are always yelling for Maggie, but it comes out “aaaaggggggggg-eeeeeeeeeee.” You are definitely saying “yes,” “no", “dad,” “mamo,”hi,” “bye,” and “ank ooo" (thank you)!  I can’t really think of any other words you are saying consistently. You sign “more” and when you try to say it, it comes out as “maa-owww.” It is soooo dang cute.You also are trying really hard at animal sounds.

Hadley, we love you to the moon and back!  You bring such joy, laughter and fun to our lives! XOXOXO

15 months old


Giving bear kisses


Sledding with dada and Maggie


You love being outside…even though this picture doesn’t show it!


Thursday, January 3, 2013

Just an average night at our house!

All these videos were taken last night. It gives a brief glimpse into our evenings- there is never a dull moment!