Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas 2011

What an eventful first Christmas you have had!  We spent Christmas in Big Sky with the entire Reinhardt side. Brooke, Jeremy, Bohdan and Meridian stayed with us and Munga, Pappa, Jason, Kelli, Levi and Leah stayed down the road!  We had such a great time with everyone and we are so glad that we could all be together! You appeared to enjoy the organized chaos that we had for 5 days with everyone. You seemed to love watching everything that was going on (kids chasing around the house, Meridian helping with changing your forever “poopy” diaper, to the dance party that we had!) You went skiing for the first time the day after Christmas. We went to watch cousins Levi and Bohdan ski, but mom had to get her skis on and take you up the magic carpet and ski down the bunny hill. You have slept so well with all the chaos, sleeping through the night 3 times while everyone was here. Your Aunt Kelli has joined in the “hate clan". And I just love that you are such a wonderful easy-going baby!  

You almost rolled yourself over on the 23 December, but now every time I place you on your belly for tummy time you don’t move…you are so content on your tummy. You are almost laughing as well!  It is so cute and I am just waiting for the day you laugh!  Every time you smile (which is a lot), you stick your little tongue out and I think that it is the cutest little thing. Right now we can tell when you are tired because you start rubbing your head with your right hand (another cute trait, though I think everything you do is cute!)

Getting ready for sledding


Boh and Meri





Santa….very funny!



Organized chaos







First time skiing



Dance Party
more dancing

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas Tree #2

Today we ventured out again, to find Christmas Tree #2!  We need 2 trees this year because we are spending Christmas up in Big Sky! We headed up Portal Creek to find the tree. Henry and Maggie enjoyed it, as there were 2 moose carcasses that they were snacking on, BARF! (Oh, and I forgot to mention…dad went to the hardware store here in Big Sky to get a saw) We hiked around for a bit, when dad found the tree!  He attempted with his new saw to cut the tree down and it immediately broke! I remembered that we had an ax back at the condo, so we loaded up and came back to get the ax. We ventured back to Portal Creek for attempt #2!  This time we were successful!




Attempts #1
Successful Attempt#2

Monday, December 19, 2011

Date Night! or maybe Date Hours…

On Saturday, December 17th, your Auntie Megan offered to watch you so daddy and I could go out!  It was sooo nice of her and we are forever grateful for her!  You hung out with Auntie Meegs and watched Legally Blond-and we think you really liked the movie! Daddy and I went to Weebee’s and then to ColdStone for dessert!  We were not gone too long, because I have to pump…and pumping during a movie really isn’t appropriate! We had a good time and I think that is because we knew you were in good hands!  On Sunday, church had the Christmas program so we got to watch your cousins, Kieran and Freja, perform! It was really cute!

We are now up in Big Sky to celebrate Christmas and finish off the rest of the year!  We (or I should say dad) have a few more things to get done here…kitchen faucet, picture hanging and maybe painting. I continue to hope that I can figure you out…well what the secret is to sleeping!  Last night you slept from 10:15pm until 5:50 am!  I wanted to jump up and down yelling and screaming for joy! You fed briefly and slept again until 7:15!  This morning we did tummy time as usual…and you almost rolled over!  Boy was it close!  We took a short hike to Ousel Falls today and it was absolutely beautiful! 


Beautiful Angel


Handsome Shepard


Family Photo


Up Ousel Falls


Ousel Falls

Getting so close!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Poopy Day!

Today is a day I must blog about!  You have been pretty predictable on your bowel movements…and you pretty much blow out of your diaper in the morning!  Many times it is when I am feeding you and lift you up to burp and I place my hand right in your poo! So today…I was on to you…I was prepared!  So when I heard the gas…we went straight to the changing table. Needless to say, this was not the blow-out. But it happened about 15 minutes later, so this resulted in outfit change #1. You then spit up down your shirt, which resulted in outfit change #2! You, dad and I went out shopping for glasses for me and decided that we would stop and have an afternoon coffee. So we were enjoying our time at the coffee shop and I was feeding you…when the inevitable gagging started. (you see before we left you had 2oz of formula, because you were acting like you were starving-and keep in mind this is about one hour after your bottle) You spit up a bit under the cover and I decided that you had enough to eat, so I was going to cut you off. I was handing you to dad when the volcano erupted and you spit up all over me (though it went all of the nursing cover), the floor of the coffee shop/diaper bag, and all down dad!  Needless to say, this cut our afternoon coffee shop time way down as we headed home so everyone could change! Your dad and I got a good laugh out of the ordeal!


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

2 months… 2 days late!

You are now 2 months old!  I can hardly believe it!  I missed getting a picture of you at 2 months…so we are going to have to settle for 2 months and 2 days!  You are growing like a weed and you are such a happy baby! Waking up early is so worth it when I get to see you smile and “talk” away as I get you changed and freshened up for the day!  I cannot give you enough kisses…and I am giving you as many as I can, for I know the stage is coming when you are not going to like them!  You have slept from about 10pm to 5 am now a handful (or more) of times!  Though you are not consistent, and I would LOVE to know what we do those days that you sleep so well!  But I am sure it is nothing…just you giving your mom a wonderful break!  I weighed you yesterday and you are sneaking up on 12 pounds!  I have washed your 3-6 month clothing, just preparing for the day I pack up your 0-3 month clothes! I can hardly believe that I am a mommy…and I am loving every single minute of it and I cannot image life with out you!  I love you so much! 


Double chin and big belly!


Sunday, December 11, 2011

Cousin Bohdan’s 4th B’Day

This weekend we headed to Billings to hopefully catch your cousin Bohdan and Meridian’s Christmas program, but mom had to work late and so we missed the show. But we stayed in Billings for the weekend and we were able to celebrate Bohdan’s 4th birthday with him!  I have nick named you “little Lizard” and we told Meridian that, so now when we tell her your “baby Hadley,” she says “that’s not Hadley….it’s Lizard!” You traveled well on the way to Billings, but the drive back was a little rough on your mom and dad. You were ready to get out of the car seat and move and about 10 miles outside of Livingston, you got MAD!  I tried to give you a bottle and you would have nothing of it! I was able to keep you entertained for a bit with my wonderful singing…but that was short lived. Finally, when we pulled into the neighborhood, I pulled you out of your car seat and fed you, and that made you happy again! PHEW!




Meridian making you smile



Saturday, December 10, 2011

December 7th (Wednesday)

Today you turned 8 weeks old, but your not quite 2 months yet…gotta love the way math works!  You are changing everyday and it is crazy watching you grow so fast!  I am trying to enjoy as much snuggle time with you as I can, but things have been a little busy around these parts!  Dad is now on paternity leave and so we trying to take advantage of the time. We have been on many hikes and you definitely like the movement- well at least it puts you to sleep!  But you do like to move…if we are sitting with you and you get fussy, we stand up and you are fine!  This does not happen too often though, because you are a very happy and content baby. You seem to love the Christmas lights throughout the house. You will turn that head to the left and then spin it to the right, back to the left so fast to take in all of the lights. You no longer “whoooooo” after you sneeze, so I was never able to get it on video…I am so sadden by that.

8 weeks old


Hanging with dad

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Gallatin National Forest

What a busy weekend full of preparation for Christmas it has been!  Today we ventured up Hyalite (Gallatin National Forest) in search for a Christmas tree!  I think we may be a bit nuts, as it was only 17 degrees out in the mountains…but you were bundled up well!  We will have one more adventure out for a Christmas tree…as we need to find one for Big Sky as well! 



December 4, 2011

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Hand taste bad

Very protective older brother

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Getting ready for Christmas!

Today we got a call from our great friend, Lauren Dee, telling us that Santa was at Murdoch’s and that you could take your pets in and get a picture! So we loaded you and the dogs up and headed over to get a picture!  It is adorable! Dad hung up the Christmas lights today, and he did such a wonderful job!  Today was also the annual Christmas Stroll downtown (and this is one of mom’s favorite things!), so we got you all bundled up and headed downtown! And of course, you slept the entire time…but you have attended your first Bozeman Christmas Stroll!  It’s going to be soooo fun to share in all these experiences with you when you are older – it’s still fun now though too! This month you get to spend the time with both of us- as dad started paternity leave!

Heading to Christmas Stroll


Santa Outfit


Henry keeping guard

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

7 Weeks

Well this counting of weeks is going to have to come to an end here soon…and then we will count the months!  You continue to be a very good and happy baby…well…most of the time! I feel that you are trying to laugh…and it is the cutest thing!  I am trying to catch it on video, but no luck yet! You are a sneezer and boy is it funny to watch you! After you are done sneezing you let out this “whooooooooo” sound. I will also try to get that on video as well!  The past few days have been a little rough on your old mom. You haven’t slept well at all during the days…just when I think that it is safe to put you down in your crib or bassinet…you wake up!  BIG SURPRISE! You have to have that human contact to sleep. Mom is highly considering trying to start you on a schedule!  This is more for your mom than you…since I have to go back to work in 5 short weeks. We still haven’t found daycare for you and it is really stressing me out!  There are not that many options here…and the ones that I am ok with you attending are full! 


7 weeks old


Working hard with Tummy time!

Sunday, November 27, 2011



Today was your first experience with LEFSE!!  Your uncle Ian provided the potatoes and cousin’s Kieran and Freja provided the entertainment and copious amounts of kisses and hugs!  You did pretty well throughout the process…I was able to roll out some lefse a handful of times and I manned the griddle for a while. I tried to put you in the baby bjorn, but you were not having it today!  You slept well today…and by that I mean we were able to put you in the bassinet and your slept (versus us ALWAYS holding you)! 


Dad and Uncle Ian (notice dad just standing there while Ian works!)


You soaking in the whole experience


Cousins Kieran and Freja watching ELF


Uncle Ian and Mom rolling some Lefse


Uncle Ian and Dad…more rolling…


Keeping watch over the lefse to make sure no one steals it!


Final Product!


That was an exhausting day!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

We spent Thanksgiving in Billings this year with Pappa and Munga!  You again were a great little traveler and slept the entire time!  You even slept through dinner…so I was able to have a hot meal!  Thank you…just one more thing to be thankful for this year!  It was a quiet Thanksgiving with Pappa, Munga, us, and Mommy’s uncle Dale. Later in the evening Mommy’s aunt Julia and Mike came over to gawk over you! 


Finally Munga was able to snuggle with you without you fussing!  We had some good laughs over it!


Pappa would rub up and down on your back and you would fuss, but if he would rub your back in circles you were quiet! 


Henry and Maggie enjoying the SUN!!!


More smiles


Daddy’s little girl!


6 weeks

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

6 Weeks Old!


Today is a little bittersweet!  You are 6 weeks old today, but that also means that in 6 weeks I have to go back to work and you will be heading to some sort of daycare. You continue to grow like a weed and you are gaining weight. At your 6 week appointment you weighed in at 10 lbs 4 oz, which is 3 lbs 4 oz more than when you were born!  We went into the doctor knowing that you would get your shot for pertussis (as there has been a breakout of it here in Bozeman), but little did we know that they gave you all of your 2 month shots!  You were a trooper through them though…you cried really hard, though soothed easily with breastfeeding…your Mom and Dad were so proud of you! We just had Grandpa and Grandma Anderson visit and I really think that you loved the extra attention and especially the cuddling and kisses!  They were so thrilled to watch you smile and “talk.”  Today we are headed to Billings to spend Thanksgiving with Pappa and Munga Reinhardt. They are going to be excited to see how much you have changed!  Auntie Brooke and Uncle Jeremy were here last night with Bohdan and Meridian on their way up to Missoula! So needless to say, we have had a busy past week. You are still a really good baby. You are sleeping well and eating well. You still get so mad when we feed you a bottle. As soon as we take the bottle away to burp you, you cry. The instant we put the bottle back in your mouth, you are as happy as can be! We were able to catch a small video of it, but it does not even compare to how mad you actually get. You have been smiling now for about 2 weeks and it is so fun to get you to smile!  It just warms my heart!  You are even starting to have some reciprocal “talking” and your pediatrician was even impressed with it!  Tummy time is going well and most of the time you even seem to enjoy it!  You get your legs moving so hard and fast that you have almost rolled yourself over…even though it would totally be an accident…it is still fun to watch! You continue to awe your mom and dad with your growth and development!  We love you so much!  


Kisses from cousin Meridian


Cousin Meridian pretending to be you


6 weeks old