Wednesday, December 14, 2011

2 months… 2 days late!

You are now 2 months old!  I can hardly believe it!  I missed getting a picture of you at 2 months…so we are going to have to settle for 2 months and 2 days!  You are growing like a weed and you are such a happy baby! Waking up early is so worth it when I get to see you smile and “talk” away as I get you changed and freshened up for the day!  I cannot give you enough kisses…and I am giving you as many as I can, for I know the stage is coming when you are not going to like them!  You have slept from about 10pm to 5 am now a handful (or more) of times!  Though you are not consistent, and I would LOVE to know what we do those days that you sleep so well!  But I am sure it is nothing…just you giving your mom a wonderful break!  I weighed you yesterday and you are sneaking up on 12 pounds!  I have washed your 3-6 month clothing, just preparing for the day I pack up your 0-3 month clothes! I can hardly believe that I am a mommy…and I am loving every single minute of it and I cannot image life with out you!  I love you so much! 


Double chin and big belly!


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